Aside from Commander Shepard as the main character of this game, there is still another character for Mass Effect known as Alien Species which classified in different races which are Asari – the most widespread, powerful and respected alien races, Batarians – alien races who has the large numbers in the crime syndicate, Geth – bipedal, humanoid races, Hanar – they stand slightly than human, Keepers – designed only to to serve and performed tasked given by masters, Krogan – are species of large reptilian known for their harsh environment, Protheans – extinct alien species that was technological Advance, Quarians – nomadic species of humanoid aliens, Rachni – an extinct insectoid species, Salarians species renowned for their technical skill as well as their high aptitude for espionage, Turians -have a great reputation for skill and bravery and they never left behind their comrades no matter what is the cost, and Volus – bodies are short and almost sperical.
The morality of this games will be affected by player chosen morality, which will be determined during the conversations.
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